Jun 1, 2007

Love Songs

I wonder if you know that every day you go about your usual business, that you carry with you my heart. Not just a piece, not just that we have a close bond. The entirety of it, all inclusive, is with you. I cannot, no matter how I try, separate loving from you. I don’t know how, and I don’t believe one can exist without the other. I wonder also, how long will this continue? Not how long will I wait, for how can one give up their very heart? It is a question of circumstance, willingness and reciprocation. How long will you walk this world carrying the very part of me that allows my blood to flow, my breath to shake, and my bones to melt? When will it finally break me, when will I experience release, and if I do, will that mean an end to my heart? How could anyone ever carry the weight you hold? How could I possibly allow another to hold the beating, to have my breath? Should this loving of you be enough, and should I never ask to carry your heart? I would be so delicate with it. I would honor and care for it, defend it and fight forever for it. Would I be fighting in vain? Is this the pain of love songs, the cry of poets across time? Should it be enough to simply allow you to walk on, should unrequited love be enough?